Acellus Profile Page
Profile Page allows the teachers to see theirs information.
Some are editable and some not for security reasons.
The page was created with react code.
The goal was to create a pop up page with teachers information.
The Page:
React Code:
import tw from 'twin.macro'
import { FormWrapper, ThirdWrapper } from 'src/components/teacher/FormGrid'
import { Wrapper } from 'src/components/shared/Wrapper.styled'
import { Input, Select, SelectOption, SelectOptions } from 'src/components/shared/Form'
import { UploadImage } from 'src/components/shared/UploadImage'
import ProfileAvatar from 'src/components/shared/ProfileAvatar'
import { useTheme } from 'src/utils/shared/globalStyles'
import { FullWrapper } from 'src/components/teacher/FormGrid'
import { BlueButton } from 'src/components/signin/Button'
import { ReactComponent as Icon } from 'src/assets/svg/copy-clipboard.svg'
import { ReactComponent as Exit } from 'src/assets/svg/exit.svg'
import EditImg from 'src/components/shared/EditImg'
export default function Profile() {
const theme = useTheme()
return (
<div className='parent-container'>
<div className='flex flex-start items-center mt-20 ml-20 gap-5'>
<ProfileAvatar w={10} name={'Timothy Fee'} theme={theme} type='student' border={tw`border-none`} />
<h3 className='font-bold'>Teacher Name</h3>
<p>Acellus Gold Academy</p>
<ExitIcon />
<ProfileWrapper id='main wrapper'>
<h3 className='font-bold'>Profile</h3>
<p>This information will be displayed and used within your school.</p>
<ProfileAvatar w={10} name={'Timothy Fee'} theme={theme} type='teacher' border={tw`border-none`} />
{/* <ProfileAvatar
url={imgData || profileImg}
userID={!profileImg && student.acellusID}
<EditImg task={uploadImage} close={close} theme={theme} buttonColor='teacherBlue' buttonColorNum={500} /> */}
{/* <EditImg theme={theme} buttonColor={'blue'} buttonColorNum={500} popoverColor={'blue'} popoverColorNum={500} editProfile={true} /> */}
<StyledFormWrapper id='FormWrapper'>
<Select className='font-bold' labelText='Salutation'>
<SelectOption value='Mr.'>Mr.</SelectOption>
<SelectOption value='Mrs.'>Mrs.</SelectOption>
<SelectOption value='Dr.'>Dr.</SelectOption>
<Input labelText='phone'></Input>
<Input labelText='First Name'></Input>
<Input labelText='Email' value='' disabled></Input>
<Input labelText='Last Name'></Input>
<Input labelText='Administration Level' value='Teacher' disabled></Input>
<p>This is your Acellus account information.</p>
<Input labelText='Acellus ID' value='567-270-1001' disabled>
<ClipboardIcon />
<Input labelText='School ID' value='10005531' disabled>
<ClipboardIcon />
<Input labelText='School Name' value='Acellus' disabled>
<ClipboardIcon />
<StyledBlueButton color='teacherBlue' type='submit'>
const ProfileWrapper = tw(Wrapper)`flex flex-col justify-center py-20 `
const ProfileCard = tw.div`flex flex-col bg-white rounded-2xl p-10 px-16`
const ClipboardIcon = tw(Icon)`absolute [height: 50%] right-4 bottom-4 text-current stroke-stone-400 `
const ExitIcon = tw(Exit)`absolute h-10 top-20 right-5 mr-20 stroke-blue-600`
const ImageAndForm = tw.div`flex flex-col gap-10 items-center xl:flex-row`
const StyledBlueButton = tw(BlueButton)`w-36 m-0`
const StyledFormWrapper = tw(FormWrapper)`max-w-full `
const ImageWrapper = tw.div`block flex-col col-span-12 mt-10 lg:(flex col-span-12 row-span-2) xl:mt-0 `
const StyledFormFooter = tw.div`py-6 flex flex-row justify-end items-end `
const StyleThirdWrapper = tw(ThirdWrapper)`flex flex-col gap-7 `
const UploadButton = tw.button`bg-blue-400 hover:scale-105 text-white text-sm py-2 px-4 rounded transition-transform ease-in-out`
// const RedBox = tw.div`bg-red-900 h-96 w-full`
// const padding = `10px `
// const parent-container=" display:Flex align-items: center`